Breakfast special


Egg is a healthiest diet for all people. Eggs have too many nutrients to fulfill your calories or energy. Taking egg on a daily basis will give you a healthy life ahead. In children, egg is important for their growth, brain, and other body functions. 

Benefits of eggs:

  • It controls cholesterol levels.
  • Good for the hair.
  • It has vitamins like B12, folic acid which is good for increasing hemoglobin levels that's why it is good for anemia patients.
  • Egg is rich in vitamin D, essential for bone health.
  • Children will take one egg per day, their bones become healthy and their growth will enhance.
  • Good for eyes.
  • Good for muscles strong.
  • It increases the immune system.
  • Good for the diabetic patient.
  • Doctors recommend one egg per day for the hypotension person.

For boil egg


  • Egg ----- 2
  • Salt ----- 1 tsp
  • Water ----- as required 


Take a saucepan and add 3 cups of water in it and salt. Turn the flame on. When the water becomes starts boiling then add the egg. For half boil egg cook it for 3 mins and for full-boil egg cook it for 5 mins.  The delicious or healthy breakfast is ready. Take it with a cup of milk. It fulfills your morning calories. 

For Amlate


  • Egg --- 2
  • Onion --- 1 (medium size)
  • Salt --- as taste
  • Red chilli --- 1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder --- 2 pinch
  • Coriander Leaves --- few
  • Oil --- 4 tbsp
  • Green chili --- 1
  • Coriander powder --- 4 pinch 


Take a plate and cut the onion in small pieces, (if you don't like the onion then you can skip) add all spices, coriander leaves, green chili, and egg and mash it smoothly. Take a pan, add 4 tbsp oil, and turn on the flame. When the oil becomes hot then add the egg in it. Cook aside for 2mins and then change the side and again cook it for 2mins. The light golden color of egg is attractive to children. Enjoy the omelate with the paratha or roti. This omelate recipe is also made for the lunch box. 

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Unknown said…
kindly share Bryani recepie