Orange Jam / Orange Marmalade

Orange jam is a favorite thing for children. We will make this in a natural way without any essence or chemical. We will use jam with bread, roti, or biscuits. Do not overcook the jam. It will be bitter if it becomes overcooked.


Oranges ----- 3 kg
Sugar ----- 1 kg
Lemon juice ----- 3 tbsp
Lemon peel ----- 2 tbsp
Oranges peel ----- half cup
Water ----- 2 cups


Cut the oranges into 2 parts and make juice. Cut the orange peel into small sticks. In the same way, cut the lemon peel into small sticks. Take a non-stick pan or any pan, add the orange juice, orange peel, and water to it, and turn on the flame. Cook it until it becomes start boiling then add sugar, lemon peel, and lemon juice. Cook it for 45 mins or until its consistency becomes thick or like honey. Then turn off the flame. Take a jar and add the jam to it. Store the jam for 3 months in the fridge. Enjoy it with bread. 
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